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​​What is unique in Dr. Werber’s Appoach?

Dr. Werber’s approach is one that combines elements of coaching models and therapy models, recognizing that progress, growth and success depend both on addressing underlying “blocks” such as anxiety, depression, sleep problems, unproductive thoughts and behaviors, as well as planning, setting goals and taking productive actions. Accordingly, Dr. Werber’s multi-faceted approach provides unique advantages for making progress and achieving goals. It is both centered on the challenges and also forward-looking for real progress.


Dr. Werber’s multi-faceted approach comes from his background and training in psychology, coaching, teaching, running successful businesses and over 30 years of experience helping thousands of people. Your specific needs will determine the blend of types of coaching and therapeutic processes can be called upon for the best results. The first session will be used to identify the appropriate blend of approaches and procedures to achieve your goals.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a process that helps individuals achieve their personal and professional goals. It can be used to address any challenges or issues that the individual may be experiencing, whether they are related to work, life, or personal relationships. Coaches typically have extensive experience in their field and use this knowledge and expertise to help clients reach their objectives.

There are several types of coaching services available today, each designed for different purposes. Some common types of coaching include business coaching, relationship counseling, mental health counseling, career guidance, and more.


The benefits of engaging in regular coaching outweigh the costs many times over. Not only do patients generally report feeling better after working with a coach; studies also show that coaches tend to boost productivity levels by up to 30%. In addition, businesses who implement effective coach programs see an increase in customer satisfaction rates and reduced staff turnover rates. So why not give it a try? You might be surprised at just how helpful it can be.


What are the different types of coaching?

Coaching can be broadly classified into five different types: subjective, behavioral, functional, evolutionary and transpersonal.


Subjective coaching is based on the coach's personal biases and preferences. This type of coaching is often used to help individuals work through their own issues or problems.


Behavioral coaching focuses on correcting faulty behavior by using positive reinforcement or punishment.

Functional coaching helps people improve their performance in specific areas of life by providing them with guidelines and advice.


Evolutionary coaches use cognitive-behavioral techniques to help clients change the way they think about themselves and their relationships with others.


Transpersonal coaches emphasize a relationship between client and coach that goes beyond traditional concepts of authority and dependency.


Which type of coaching is right for you? It all depends on your needs. If you are looking for guidance in overcoming personal obstacles, then subjective coaching might be perfect for you. If you want help changing your habits or improving your performance in an area, then behavioral or functional approaches may be more suitable than transpersonal training.



Why do people want or need to get coached?

There are a number of reasons why people might want to get coached. maybe they're feeling stuck in their career or struggling with personal relationships. Coaching can provide the support and guidance that someone needs to reach their goals.


Some people decide to get coached because they want help improving specific areas of their life. For example, someone who wants to improve their work productivity may choose coaching as a way to achieve that goal. Others may seek out coaching for closure after experiencing an traumatic event or loss, in order to better cope with those feelings and move on from them.


Whatever the reason, getting coached can be beneficial for both the coach and the client. The coach can offer guidance and support while the client learns new skills or strategies that will help them reach their goals more effectively.



How can coaching help you achieve your goals?

Coaching can be a valuable tool to help you achieve your goals. A coach can provide objective feedback, assistance in planning and executing strategies, and support throughout the process.


The productivity benefits of coaching include:

- Increased productivity and motivation

- Greater clarity about ambitions and objectives

-Guidance in leadership in general, and specific industries (Executive Coaching)

- Improved self-awareness and understanding of one's own strengths and weaknesses

-Improved psychological outlook

-Greater life satisfaction and happiness

-Greater career success

-Better sleep

-Enhanced relationships

-Freedom from psychological blocks holding you back

-Overcoming limitations of depression, anxiety, fears, and daily stresseors

-Mentorship, guidance and introductions to business processes and connections



What are the benefits of getting coached?

There are a number of benefits to getting coached. First and foremost, coaching can help you improve your skills quickly and easily. If you're new to a skill or field, coaching will walk you through the process step-by-step so that you can succeed. Coaches also provide feedback and guidance on how to improve specific areas of your game, which is invaluable information.

Another benefit of coach is that it allows for personal growth. By working with someone who has experience in the field, you'll be able to learn from them and grow as an individual player or entrepreneur. Finally, coaches motivate their clients by setting realistic expectations and providing positive reinforcement throughout the process. With all these benefits in mind, it's clear why so many people choose coaching as their go-to solution for success.


What is the process of getting coached?

The process of getting coached can be a bit overwhelming if you're not familiar with it. That's why we've put together this guide to help you get started. In this article, we'll walk you through the different steps involved in getting coached and explain what each one means for your success as a content creator or business owner.

First, let's take a look at what coaching actually is:


Coaching is an interaction between someone who has expertise in a certain field and the individual seeking that knowledge or advice. The coach helps the person learn by providing instruction, feedback, support, and guidance throughout the learning process.


Now that you understand what coaching is, how does it work?


To start things off right, there are two main types of coaches: formal and informal. Formal coaches typically have degrees in their field of expertise (for example marketing), while informal coaches do not necessarily have specialized training but still offer valuable insights and consultations on a variety of topics related to their area of interest (for example entrepreneurship). The type of coach you choose depends on your specific needs; whether you want someone who will provide step-by-step instructions or simply listen to your thoughts and offers suggestions along the way is up to you.


Once you decide which type(s) of coach best suits your needs, next comes gathering information about them. This involves doing some research online (or speaking with friends who know people in need of coaching), checking out their rates



How can you find a good coach for you?

Are you looking for someone to help you achieve your goals and dreams? Are you feeling lost and struggling to figure out what direction to take next? Are you experiencing anxiety, depression, sleep problems or difficulties in relationships? Are these issues preventing you from moving forward with grace, ease and joy? If so, then coaching may be the right solution for you.


There are a number of benefits that come with hiring the right coach, including improved emotional well-being, increased productivity, greater life and work satisfaction, less anxiety, stress and depression, better sleep patterns and more. Coaches are experts in their field who can offer valuable advice and guidance on how to reach your goals.

Selecting the right coach or counselor can be challenging and seem overwhelming. It’s hard to know where to start.


There are some steps for finding the right person.


1.     Consider the type of help you are seeking? General guidance and counseling, help with anxiety, depression, sleep, career, relationships, etc. Then see if the coach addreeses those issues.

2.     Look at the education, background and experience of the coach. They will have training in one or more areas. Some may have backgrounds in psychology, psychotherapy, and counseling, business, career planning etc. They may provide general guidance, feedback, support or introduce specific exercises and techniques to growth.

A broad range of training and experience may be beneficial in many cases. On the other hand if you specifically have one clear goal in mind, such as addressing sleep problems, then a specialist in that specific are may be the best choice. Also ask for referrals from others, including your friends, family and healthcare professionals


3.     Once you’ve identified one or more potential coaches, reach out to them. Most will provide a free initial session or introductory telephone or Zoom session to see you match and ask any questions you have about process, techniques, availability and costs.

4.     And then, most importantly, be sure to take action. Move forward and make a choice. If you’re not happy with your Coach for any reason you can switch. You may find that you need someone different as you move forward, but you must decide and move forward if you’re committed to your own personal growth.


So if this is something that interests you, it's important to do some research first. Look into which type of coaching is best suited for your needs (e.g., personal growth coaching, life coaching, career counseling, etc.), find a provider who meets your standards (and budget!), and schedule a consultation session with them today.



How is coaching different from therapy?

Coaching and therapy are two different types of services that can help people achieve their goals. While they share some similarities, there are also important distinctions between the two. Here's a closer look at what each offers:


Therapy is typically focused on helping individuals resolve issues and improve their mental health. Often the most effective coaching combines elements of therapy to achieve the greatest progress.


Coaching, by contrast, focuses more on problem solving than personal development. Coaches use techniques such as counseling, team building, brainstorming, goal setting, and communication skills training to help their clients reach their objectives. The techniques used by both therapists and coaches often overlap. For example, techniques such as CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy, ACT/C (acceptance commitment therapy/coaching), self-evaluations, visualizations, behavioral training, etc.) may be used by both.


Future Orientation:
Coaching focuses on the future and examines the question: “How do I grow personally and achieve my psychological and life goals?”  Therapy often focuses more on the past and tries to answer the question: “Why and how do I fix myself?” It presupposes that fixing oneself will enable your growth and happiness.

Creating vs. Fixing:
Coaching explores what you want to create and what you want to be and achieve. The coach may suggest specific procedures, exercises and actions that can help improve behaviors and growth. Therapy often addresses what you want to fix in order to achieve your goals, and leaves you to apply your learning for growth. Functional coaches (in your business area) may provide advice and guidance specific to your goals.

Partners on Growth:
In coaching, the client and coach are closer as partners in guiding insights and growth. In therapy, the therapist is recognized as the expert. A coach helps you identify life goals and how you can achieve them. A therapist determines what the problem is and supports you in repairing and achieving growth in the identified areas.

Agent of Change:
A coach is an agent of change, while a therapist is often more nurturing and less direct. Both are insightful, sensitive and caring listeners, but a coach can often be more direct, challenging you to expand your skills, to act on achieving your goals. The coach may use more targeted communication to help you get where you want to go. A therapist will likely be more subtle and inferential in communications, and may delve more deeply into insights by way of gaining understanding and growth.


There are several factors to consider when choosing which type of service is right for you: your current situation (e.g., how serious is the issue?), your personality and your comfort with the provider. Whichever option helps you reach your goals in the quickest way is bound to be beneficial.

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